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Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the answers to our most commonly asked questions and queries.  

How much does cybersecurity cost?

Cyber Security doesn't need to break the bank! 3CT will always take a pragmatic and transparent view of what is appropriate to your business, not just try sell you the most expensive solution.

Do I need cybersecurity as an SME?

Cyber Security is important for every organisation no matter the size, it's simply ensuring that its made relevant and sufficient for you.

What types of cybersecurity services do you offer?

3CT offer everything from our basic certifications such as Cyber Essentials to the more complex certifications such as ISO27001.

We also offer services around penetration testing, vulnerability management and Maturity assessments against other standards such as the NCSC CAF and NIST.

Still have questions?

We're a friendly bunch, contact us below